Is it because of all the heresiarchs you are the least crazy?
St. Edmund Campion
Be careful to purify your heart more and more each day. Now, this purity consists in weighing everything in the scales of the sanctuary, which are only the will of God.
St. Francis de Sales
Jerome says (Ep. ad Nepot. lii): "Shun, as you would the plague, a cleric who from being poor has become wealthy, or who, from being a nobody has become a celebrity.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Does not the Wise Man tell us—"Life is like a ship that passeth through the waves: when it is gone by, the trace thereof cannot be found"?
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.
From all evil,
From every sin,
From the snares of the devil,
From anger and hatred,
From every evil intention,
From everlasting death,
By your coming as man,
By your birth,
By your baptism,
By your suffering,
By your death and burial,
By your rising to new life,
By your return in glory to the Father,
By your gift of the Holy Spirit,
By your coming again in glory,
You came into this world,
You suffered for us on the cross,
You died to save us,
You lay in the tomb,
You rose from the dead,
You returned in glory to the Father,
You sent the Holy Spirit upon Your apostles,
You are seated at the right hand of the Father,
You will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Lord, be merciful to us. Lord, hear our prayer.
Give us repentance,
Strengthen us in your service,
Reward with eternal life all who do good to us,
Bless the fruits of the earth and of man's labor.
Amen. Hear us, Good Lord.